मंगलवार, 28 मई 2013

Maoist attacks are a counter violence of resistance against the state: Arundhati Roy

Editors note: This interview was originally run in April 2010 by CNN-IBN. Given the context of the recent attack in Chhattisgarh on a Congress convoy, we have republished the interview as it resurfaces some interesting points of view. 
In the aftermath of the Maoist attack on the Congress Yatra in Chhattisgarh on Saturday, activist and writer Arundhati Roy points out in an interview to CNN-IBN that the Maoists have no choice but to indulge in ‘counter violence’.
Here is Roy’s interview with CNN-IBN Deputy Editor Sagarika Ghosh:

Arundhati Roy. AFP
Arundhati Roy. AFP

Sagarika Ghose: You wrote your article ‘Walking with the comrades’ in The Outlook before Dantewada happened. In the aftermath of the Dantewada, do you still stand by the tone of sympathy that you had with the Maoists cause in that essay?

Arundhati Roy: Well, this is a odd way to frame before and after Dantewada happened because actually you know this cycle of violence has been building on and on. This is not the first time that a large number of security personnel have been killed by the Maoists. I have written about it and the other attacks that took place between the years 2005-2007. The way I look at is often you know people make it sound that oh on this side of people, who are celebrating the killing of CRPF jawans and that side of the people who are asking for the Maoists to be wiped out. This is not the case. I think that you got to look at the every death as a terrible tragedy. In a system, in a war that’s been pushed on the people and that unfortunately is becoming a war of the rich against the poor. In which rich put forward the poorest of the poor to fight the poor. CRPF are terrible victims but they are not just victims of the Maoists. They are victims of a system of structural violence that is taking place, that sort to be drowned in this empty condemnation industry that goes on which is entirely meaningless because most of the time people who condemn them have really no sympathy for them. They are just using them as pawns.

Sagarika Ghose: Who then will break the cycle of violence? The state argues that the reason why the state has to cleanse the area or sanitize the area is because whenever it initiates development works on bridges or starts school; those are blown up by the Maoists. Is it that the cycle of violence according to you can only be broken by the states and if the state pulls back is that what you believe?

Arundhati Roy: There is some simple sort of litmus test for that, is it the case that there are hospitals, schools, low malnutrition and lot of development in poor areas where there aren’t any Maoists? That’s not the case. The fact is even if you look at the studies that have been done by doctors in a place like Bilashpur. What Vinayak Sen describes as nutritional aids is happening. When you go into the schools, you see that they are used as barracks. They are built as barracks so as to say that Maoists blow up schools and they are against development is a bit ridiculous.

Sagarika Ghose: But you condemn state violence and the charge against you is that you don’t condemn Naxals violence and also you don’t condemn Maoists violence. In fact you rationalise it and are even romaticising violence? That is a charge made against you and in fact if I can read from your essay where you have written that, “I feel I want to say something about the futility of violence but what should I suggest they do? Go to court, a rally, and a hunger strike that sounds ridiculous; which party they should vote for, which democratic institution they should approach? You seem to be saying that non-violence is futile?

Arundhati Roy: This is a strange charge on someone who has been writing about non-violence and non-violence movements for 10 years now. But what I saw when I went into the forests was this – that non-violence resistance has actually not worked; not in the ‘Narmada Bachao Andolan’ and not even in many other non-violence movements and not even in the militant movements. It has worked in some parts of the movement. But inside the forests it’s a different story because non-violence and in particularly, Gandhian non-violence in some ways needs an audience. It’s a theater that needs an audience. But inside the forests there is no audience when a thousand police come and surround the forest village in the middle of the night, what are they to do? How are the hungry to go on a hunger strike? How are the people with no money to boycott taxes or foreign goods or do consumer boycotts?

They have nothing. I do see the violence inside that forest as a ‘counter violence’. As a ‘violence of resistance’ and I do feel terrible about the fact that there is this increasing cycle of violence that the more weapons the government arms the police with those weapons end up with the Maoist PLGA. It’s a terrible thing to do to any society. I don’t think that there is any romance in it. However I’m not against romance. I do feel it’s incredible that these poor people are standing up against this mighty state that is sending thousands and thousands of Para-military. I mean, what they are doing in those forests against those people with AK-47 and grenades.

Sagarika Ghose: But Maoists have AK-47 too? They have pressure bombs too?

Arundhati Roy: They snatched it from cops.

Sagarika Ghose: Should people like you for not been raising their voices against the cycle of violence or should you actually been trying to find out rationalization for it because your been called as ‘apologists for Maoists’. BJP has called you the “sophisticated face of naxalism’. If you don’t raise your voice against their violence and simply say it as a morally acceptable, as a morally legitimate counter to the state then are you not actually failing as member of a civil society?

Arundhati Roy: No, I’m not. Because I think it suits the status-quo to have everybody saying…this is terrible and all. So just let’s just keep on without taking it into account the terrible structural violence that actually is creating a ‘genocidal situation’ in those tribal areas. If you look at the levels of malnutrition, if you look at the levels of absolute desperation there; any responsible person has to say that the violence will stop when you stop pushing those people. When you have a whole community of tribal; which by the way, is a population larger than the population of the most countries, is actually on the brink of survival, fighting for its own annihilation. I can’t equate their reactions, their resistance to the violence of the state. I think it’s immoral to equate the two.

Sagarika Ghose: Let’s bring you to the other point in your essay, where you are particularly harsh on Gandhi. You said party founder Charu Majumder has kept the dream of revolution real and present in India. Imagine a society without that dream, for that alone we can’t judge him too harshly. Especially not while we swaddle ourselves with Gandhi’s pious humbug about the superiority of non-violent way and its notion of trusteeship. You also say do you know what to do if we come under fire….Do you think Gandhi is a figure to be mocked?

Arundhati Roy: I think there are some things about Gandhi, which do deserved to be mocked and I think there are something about him which deserve a great deal of respect. Particularly, his (Gandhi’s) ideas of consumption, minimalist and sustainable living. However, let me read what he said in his thing of trusteeship. This is a quote of his notion of trusteeship, “the rich man will be left in possession of his wealth of which he will use what he reasonably requires for his personal needs and will act as a trustee for the remainder to be used for the good of the society”. I think that is one statement which can be mocked. I have no problem mocking it.

Sagarika Ghose: In a lecture in US in March at the Left forum you said ‘India is a fake democracy’ that ties in with your justification or your quasi-justification of violence to some extent. Do you feel that because Indian democracy is ‘fake’ there is no hope that Indian democracy can holds out to the Maoists?

Arundhati Roy: No, certainly I feel that India is a oligarchy where it does work as a democracy for the middle classes and the upper classes.

Sagarika Ghose: But it’s a fake democracy?

Arundhati Roy: Yeah, because it doesn’t work for the mass of the people it’s a fake democracy. So you have institution which has been hollowed out, you have institution to which poor have no access and when you look at the institution of the democracy, look at the elections, at the court, at the media and you look at the judiciary. You have a very dangerous system building. If you increasingly excluding a vast section of the poorer people in this country and that’s why I say it fake. It works for some and it doesn’t work for others depending on where you want to place your feet; your politics is defined. If you stand in Greater Kailash; sure it’s a great and vibrant democracy but if you stand in Dantewada- it is no democracy at all. You have a Chief Minister who basically said that those who don’t come out of the forests and live in Salwa Judum camps are terrorists. So looking after your chickens and tending to your fields is a terrorist act? Is that democracy?

Sagarika Ghose: If you have to come up with a solution to this. What would your solution be? What would be your way to break the deadlock?

Arundhati Roy: Well there are two things. First on a philosophical level I would say that I don’t believe that the imagination that has brought to the planet to this crisis is going to come up with an alternative. So the least we can do is to stop and enlighten those who we think of as keepers of our past but could be people who have the wisdom for the future.
But on “Operation Green hunt”, I would like to say three things, I think government should come clean on all these MoUs, infrastructures projects; declare them and tell us what they are and freeze them for now. Insist that all the villagers that have been pushed out, we are talking of hundreds and thousands of people be rehabilitated. Guns need to be pulled back.

Sagarika Ghose: Every country uses mineral resources to grow. Growth is something our country needs. The present dispensation in Maoists, earlier they used to deal with Posco; the rate of compensation was 30 Lakh per year that they used to pay to the Maoists. Now its no deals all bets are off. Are you advocating that all projects from all those areas should wind up and go?

Arundhati Roy: You see what’s happening now with that the privatization of the mining industry that there is a very sort of false understanding that mining is going to push up growth. It will push it up in strange way which has nothing to do with the real development. But if you look at the royalties that the government gets e.g for iron ores Rs 27 for 5,000 tonnes profit for the private company. We are paying without ecology of other people’s economy. So it’s a myth of this thing called growth.

Sagarika Ghose: Are you willing to mediate between the Maoists and the government because they have put your name as well as Kabir Suman to mediate. But you declined. What are you afraid of? Why don’t you go ahead and mediate?

Arundhati Roy: I’m afraid of myself. These are not my skills. I don’t trust myself. If you are a basket ballplayer you can’t be a swimmer. So I think there are people who would do a good job but I don’t think I’m one of them. But I think one question we have to ask is whom do we mean when we say Maoist? Who does the ‘Operation Green Hunt’ want to target? Because for this there has been a discrete separation been made that here are the Maoists and here are the tribal. On the other hand some people say Maoists represent the tribal. Neither of which is true. The fact is that the about 99 per cent Maoists are tribal. But all tribal are not Maoists, still numbers turn into tens and thousands of people who would officially call themselves Maoists. Among them 90,000 women belong to women organisation. 10,000 belong to the cultural organisation. So are they all going to be wiped out?

Sagarika Ghose: What is your message to Home Minister P Chidambaram? What kind of message would you like to give him? Do you think he is fighting this war for ego?

Arundhati Roy: I think he is fighting for hue brisk and fighting with an imagination that is chained to the corporate companies that he wants served to Enron to Vedanta, to all the companies that he has represented. I’m not necessarily accusing him of being corrupt but I’m accusing him of having an imagination that is driving this country into a very serious situation and it’s going to effect all of us.

Sagarika Ghose: Are you worried about the case that has been filed against you? There has been a complaint filed against you under Chhaatisgarh Special Powers Act (CSPA) and police are investigating on that for lending your support to the Maoists after your article. Are you worried about the state prosecution?

Arundhati Roy: Obviously I would be a goon not to be worried. But I won’t be the first one they have gone after. I think what they are trying to do is to sell out a warning to the people because I feel they want to intensify this war. I think we are going to see drone attacks on the poorest people of this country. Moreover they want to cordon off the theater of war and trying to warn people who might have a different view from that of the government not to go in the air.

Sagarika Ghose: Why do you think your writings are as controversial as they are. Why does India love to hate Arundhati Roy? Why does there are so much hate mail directed at you? Why do people think you say things that people don’t agree with? Why are you the writer that India loves to hate?

Arundhati Roy: I think it is very presumptuous of you to represent India. I feel the opposite. Like somebody, who is embraced wherever I go whether it is to Orissa or Narmada; it is just the people with the voice, the people with a huge stake in the things I’m writing about where that stake is threatened – that hate me. But if I did feel that whole of India hated me; I have been doing something terribly wrong. As a political writer would I be crazy to carry on what I’m doing? The fact is I I feel very deeply loved, that’s the real issue.

Sagarika Ghose: But do you think there is a problem. Do you think the government, the media, the kind of dominant culture is targeting intellectuals, is targeting people like human right activists? Is this dangerous?

Arundhati Roy: Of course this is very dangerous. I read one article that says Dantewada comes to Delhi in the charge against Kobad Ghandy. People union for democratic rights….all institutions are being called front organizations.
There is this manic barricade like accusation to any one who has a different view that they are Maoists. Hundreds of people who are not known have been picked up and jailed. There is whole bandwidth of people’s movement from the non-violent ones outside the forests to the arms struggle inside the forests which have actually held of this corporate assault, which I have to say has not happened in anywhere else in the world.

Sagarika Ghose: Let me just ask you what a viewer wrote to me, “ when I see a 16-year-old with a gun, I would feel scared and mourn that. Why would Arundhati Roy when she looks at a 16-year-old look with a gun celebrated and say she is so beautiful, she has a lovely smile”?

Arundhati Roy: Because if I saw a 16-year-old being raped by a CRPF man and watching her village being burnt and watching her parents being killed and submit to it. I would mourn that. When I see one standing up and say I ‘m going to fight this. I would feel terrible. I think it’s a terrible thing to come to that. But it’s better than having her accept her annihilation.

Sagarika Ghose: Let me read out some of the criticisms that have been made against you fellow thinkers and activists, who said “ she equates their cynical quest for power with genuine demands, rights and concern of the people who live in the forests. She give new meaning to the binary logic something which she ridiculed George W Bush for. She is at the moment a victim of Stockholm Syndrome. And another par lance is that she would be described as an embedded journalist”. How do you react to this criticism?

Arundhati Roy: I think embedded is not in itself a bad thing, it depends on who your are embedded with, whether you are embedded with the media or with the corporate? Or are you embedded with the side that sees itself in resisting this. Here I don’t refer to the Maoists. Who are the Maoists? Of course the Maoists ideologues are that it is there aim to overthrow the Indian state when people who form there fighting forces don’t know what the Indian state is? But surely there is a coincidence of aims and the moment; both are using each others. I want to say that Maoists are not the only people who are trying to overthrow the Indian state; whereas Indian state has been thrown already by the ‘Hindutva’ project and by the corporate project.

Sagarika Ghose: So you believe that Constitution has ceased to exist?

Arundhati Roy: I believe it’s been deeply weakened.

Sagarika Ghose: Do you think of ever giving up India and living up in somewhere else?
Arundhati Roy: Absolutely not. For me that’s the challenge, that’s the beauty, that’s the wonder because the people in this country are staging the India’s most difficult struggle anywhere in the world. I feel so proud. I really salute them on what’s going on here. As I belong to here even if CSPA wants to put me into jail and I’m not going to live in Switzerland.
 (Courtesy- Firstpost)

गुरुवार, 16 मई 2013

What is in your mind about Media Ownership!

Go and express yourself if you want to say about Media ownership. Now TRAI  is giving  you a most valuable opportunity. 

मंगलवार, 14 मई 2013

Jobs in Hardev Joshi University of Journalism and Mass Communication, Jaipur

DD News Ka Kya Hoga?

Jab Desh Mein Sansad Nahi Chal Rahi Tab DD news Apni Website Par Headlines De raha hai ki "Sansad Kyola Ghotale par BJP ke hungame ke baad do baar isthagit". 

सोमवार, 13 मई 2013

Journalists without identity

Members of National Union of Journalists of India-East Champaran in Bihar have two contradictory tasks—of journalism and as advertising agent 
First Published: Mon, May 13 2013. 12 53 AM IST
Most of these journalists are primarily from local language newspapers and on an average report 5-10 stories a month.
Most of these journalists are primarily from local language newspapers and on an average report 5-10 stories a month.
Updated: Mon, May 13 2013. 01 02 AM IST
They are journalists without qualifications, without training, without identification and without ethics. These journalists are with lots of perceived power but perhaps without responsibility. Most of them have their own business, or some other source of income other than journalism. They don’t get a regular salary or stipend from their employers. They are primarily local language newspaper journalists. They are also video journalists for several local, regional and national TV channels. On an average, they report 5-10 stories a month. They are also responsible for bringing advertisements to their respective newspapers.
However, none of them are given appointment letters or any letter for that matter from the newspaper they claim they write for. This means the members of National Union of Journalists of India East Champaran (NUJI-EC) in Bihar work with two contradictory tasks, that of journalism and as an advertising agent. There are more than 200 members and all of them are male. For the past one year, NUJI-EC has been requesting Digital Empowerment Foundation to hold a workshop on how new media could be helpful to the journalists and teach them how to use various tools of information and communication technologies. About 85 journalists attended the workshop. I asked how many of them do not have an email ID, expecting that nobody would raise hand. To my surprise, more than a third did. When I asked what was their expectation from the workshop, the unanimous demand was that they all wanted to have a Facebook page and if they could be trained to create an email account. 

All the journalists I talked with individually confessed that they cannot write anything against any officer or business house or government department once they have got any form of favour including advertisements. The journalists also said there is immense corruption in each of the government departments, but since they have to get advertisements, they usually end up not writing against several such corruption cases, which happen openly.
So, how does the system work? We all know that all major regional language newspapers have editions that go easily down to the district level and have city pages of district headquarters. Ever since the local newspapers started growing and mushrooming to the district, tehsil and panchayat levels, they started playing on unemployed youth and the perceived power of journalism. Getting a byline for their reports further proves their power. However, they are also given the opportunity to earn money by bringing in advertisements from the local government departments and businesses. 
What I could not understand was why all these journalists wanted to pursue journalism, although their livelihood comes from their individual businesses or some other jobs. Most appeared to me as capable and smart. But all of them were unanimously of the opinion that they are constantly exploited by their newspapers. But when I asked why do they have to subject themselves to such exploitation, they have no answer. Which is a clear indication that at the local levels, everybody wants to be in a position of power.
Since journalism is called the fourth estate, it is imperative for the newspapers to clean up their act. Even if they want to dive deep at the village level in terms of getting more and more subscribers and readers, they have to find ethical ways to create a network of journalists and not mix advertising and revenues with journalism. Otherwise, they have no right to say who is right and wrong, considering their own act is questionable.
 If this is the situation in East Champaran, imagine the number of such journalists in the entire country. There would be about 120,000 such people who claim they are journalists but have no identity and they play the role of advertising agents in the mask of being a journalist. Would online journalism or citizen journalism be the final frontier for such journalists?

Osama Manzar is founder-director of Digital Empowerment Foundation and curator of The mBillionth Awards. He is member of the working group for Internet proliferation and governance, ministry of communication and information technology.
Follow him on twitter @osamamanzar

शनिवार, 11 मई 2013

Will loss of anonymity spell Facebook’s death in US?

  • By- Rohin Dharmakumar

With 78 million monthly active users – up 50 percent over the last year  – in India Facebook is growing  in leaps and bounds. But evidence from its home market – the US – and other developed countries seems to suggest that its growth there may have plateaued.

A Pew Research study on Facebook’s US users – comprising 67 percent of the country’s population – found that 61 percent of users had voluntarily taken a break from the site ranging from a few weeks to more. Of the people who aren’t using Facebook currently, 20 percent said they were active members in the recent past, before deciding to quit the site.

Meanwhile another study by SocialBakers, a Czekh startup that analyses social networks, says that in December 2012 Facebook’s monthly active user base fell by 1.4 million in the US  and 600,000 in the UK.
And remember the “Facebook Phone”? The co-branded phone Facebook released with HTC that modified the default Android home to put Facebook bang on the centre of your mobile phone? In less than a month the phone’s price was reduced from $99, to 99 cents !
But the worst data came from investment bank Piper Jaffray, which in April published a detailed research study on US teens , a key group for social networks, advertisers and brands. The study showed that US teens were actively disengaging themselves from Facebook at a rather alarming rate.

Chart showing the depletion of Facebook's user base.

Chart showing the user base of various social networking sites.
In the one year between Spring 2012 and Spring 2013, Facebook – the clear social networking favourite among teens – fell in popularity from 32 percent to 23 percent. This tied it for first place with YouTube, which was a clear number two earlier. Twitter followed the two. Of course many other social networks – YouTube, Google+ and Tumblr – also fell in popularity during the same period, but none as much as Facebook.

Now teens are very important audience for marketers and advertisers around the world. Firstly because they are huge spenders, especially in categories like apparel, smartphones, beauty products and eating out. And secondly because they are often the early adopters of most trends, whether it be fashion or technology. But if teens are ditching Facebook, where are they headed for?
According to Piper Jaffray, the five relative gainers from Facebook’s exodus are Reddit, Twitter, Snapchat, Vine and 4chan.

To the lay internet user, or maybe the middle-aged and the old, some of these sites can appear chaotic and unstructured. A Reddit for instance has oceans of posts under its various “sub-reddits” that can literally envelope your brain. As Simon Dumenco at AdAge says, “Reddit has become, simply put, mainstream media.”  Twitter is a never-ending stream of information, news and opinion that doesn’t stop for anyone. Vine, Twitter’s micro-video sharing service, is too, rather unexpectedly some would say, exploding in popularity.

SnapChat, an app that allows people to send each other photos that “self destruct” after 10 seconds, is massively popular with teens and young adults, never mind the engineering flaws that supposedly allow deleted photos to be recovered. And 4Chan? Well, what does one say about 4Chan !
Do you know what’s common between all five of them? The freedom to be anonymous.
It would appear that US teens are seeing the risks of exposing all of your personal information online, even within closed social networks. Instead, they’re heading for sites where they can use interact with others without giving up their privacy or identities (by using pseudonyms).

Teens in US are preferring to use social networking sites that allow for anonymity. Image Courtesy: @zigazou76/Flickr

Teens in US are preferring to use social networking sites that allow for anonymity. Image Courtesy: @zigazou76/Flickr
Facebook was the social network that started the trend of forcing users to use their real names, which alas even Google has now adopted across its social networks like YouTube and Google+. Many of us thought giving up your anonymity would be okay within the closed walls of a network where only our real friends could interact with us.

But over the last few years Facebook has progressively eroded or convoluted privacy controls in an attempt to make sharing, and no doubt advertising, seamless. But during the same time we’ve come to realize that nothing we say on Facebook is really anonymous, or even restricted.

Say you post a critical post about the government, or your local politician on your Facebook wall. Each of your 500 friends can of course see it, but as one of them interacts with your post by either commenting or liking it, so can (in most cases), their own friends. So the post you thought was meant for 500 people may, by design, be reaching tens of thousands of people you don’t know.

And in India when you run afoul with the government or political parties, God help you. For instance:
* TMC man posts Mamata Banerjee cartoon on Facebook, quits before backlash
* India woman arrested over Facebook post in ‘shock’
* Arrested for Facebook posts, they spent 12 days in jail, lost their Air India jobs
* Man arrested for Facebook posts on PM, Kapil Sibal and Mulayam Singh Yadav
* Bengal professor’s ‘offending’ picture [on Facebook] goes viral

Given the tumultuous political times we live in and the number of people hounded by powerful people over their Facebook posts,  Facebook users in India ought to reconsider their loyalty to the site even more than those in the US, where freedom of speech has much more meaning.
 Courtesy - 

जाति न पूछो अपराधी की


आप काम अच्छा करें या फिर बुरा। आप का नाम नहीं आप की जाति ही मायने रखती है। ये हम नहीं कह रहे हैं। आज हमने जितने अखबार पढ़े हैं उनमे सिर्फ दो को छोड़ दें तो सभी ने अपनी लीड खबर की हैडिंग में पवन बंसल को सिर्फ बंसल बताने की कोशिश की है। आज कम से कम दिल्ली में आने वाले बीस से अधिक हिंदी और अंग्रेजी अख़बारों में ये हुआ है. मानिए सारे बंसल ही चोर हो गए हो. कुछ अख़बारों में अश्वनी को कुमार से पहचाना गया है। ऐसे में लोग देश में रह रहे अन्य बंसल और कुमार के बारे में क्या राय बनाते है, इसकी जवाबदेही किसकी होगी। लोगों को उनके नाम से ना जानकार जानकर उनकी जात से पहचानना लोगों की आदत बनती जा रही है  इस पर बस इतना ही कहना चाहूँगा किसी के कर्म को उसके नाम से पहचाना जाए न की जात से।

शुक्रवार, 3 मई 2013

Mobile Connection in India

Mobile Connection in the Country 

Photo- AFP(Courtesy )

As per Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), there are 861,660,097 wireless telecom subscribers in the country as on 28.02.2013. The details of service area-wise wireless subscribers are given below.

Service Area-wise total Number of Wireless Subscribers as on February 2013
Sl No
Service Area
Wireless Subscribers
Andhra Pradesh
Himachal Pradesh
Jammu & Kashmir
Madhya Pradesh
North East
Tamilnadu  including Chennai
Uttar Pradesh (East)
Uttar Pradesh (West)
West Bengal


            Details of wireless subscribers of BSNL (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited) and MTNL (Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited) as on 28.02.2013 are as follows:

Service Provider
No of Subscribers
%age of total wireless connections

As per information provided by BSNL and MTNL, complaints from customers are received from time to time regarding Quality of Service (QoS) including mobile signals in their service areas. QoS is monitored on a regular basis by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI). TRAI has indicated, from time to time, some deficiencies on specified parameters of service in specific service areas.  Improvements in service delivery is a continuous process.
Measures taken by BSNL and MTNL to improve its Quality of Service including the mobile services, are as follows:
Additions, capacity augmentation and upgradation of Base Transceiver Stations (BTSs).
Optimization of radio network and drive tests.
Close monitoring of network operation through IT (Information Technology) enabled systems.
Introduction of effective Network Management System.

This information was given by Shri Milind Deora, Minister of State for C&IT in a written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today.